Cemetery Things



From our blog

How I got into Horror

My true start in horror was at age 5. I fell in love with all the old black-and-white movies; Frankenstein, Dracula, The Wolfman, The Mummy, The Creature from the Black Lagoon. Boris Karloff was my favorite actor. Then I got into other movies and spinoffs. I couldn’t wait for Friday nights when Project Terror would…

Getting Past Rejections

Lets face it, no body likes rejections. In a perfect literary world every single piece you write would be accepted. Thank God this is not so or there would be all kinds of crap you would have to sort through to find a gem. It’s bad enough you have to do so on Amazon. Just…

When to Give Up on Writing but Not ON Writing

You are sitting in the zone either banging away at the keyboard, keystrokes coming like bolts of lightning or your pen is flinging ink across the pages. All of a sudden, out of the blue, you hit a brick wall. Something doesn’t feel right. Your protagonist doesn’t feel real. There is no emotional connection. It’s…